Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Action Shots

I've been craving a 'real' camera for a while now but given that they are so expensive, haven't acted on the impulse. I mentioned wanting one to Greg, who immediately borrowed one from a co-worker for me to try out. We figured if we play around with one, we can decide which features we want and which we can forgo. After playing for one day, I decided I no longer want a 'real' camera. I need one! Here are some of the play shots:

We were immediately fascinated by action shots... We have missed so many potentially awesome photos of Rams because he moves so quickly! Even just a wiggle or turn or his head ruins photos taken by our phones or even our digital (not 'real') cameras! This shot, I admit, was captured by Greg. It took us a few times of making the dog hop on.. and off.. and on.. and off.. the bed to get it.

'Wanna be a Greyhound when I grow up!''

The next day I decided to take the camera outside and get some full speed action shots, the test of what it can do! I think I can still get them clearer, once I know more about the shutter speeds etc. etc. (remember I'm a complete newbie at the camera).

'Ahh, summer is so much fun!'

Without the blur of movement you can see Ramsey's personality come through. I love it.

We are headed to the dog park and for a swim today with our buddy Bruiser. Bruiser's mom, Annie, is big into photography and said she would show me some tricks on the camera today. Maybe later I'll have some awesome photos to post!


  1. Wow! What kind of camera did you use? Those are really fantastic action shots!

    1. Hi Sarah, The camera I used is a Nikon D80... It's pretty awesome but I'm still not great with everything it can do! I admit to taking these with the Automatic setting, still trying to get the hang of Manual, I'm definitely a camera Newbie..

  2. You're a lot better than I am! Automatic setting or not, your timing is impeccable!! Kudos to you!
