Sunday, December 22, 2013


This post is overdue, but it's still worth writing. Although currently on a hiatus, Ramsey has tried out and loved a new sport: agility. He learns fast, unfortunately, I don't! If I can get my act together, he could be great. We're currently taking a break due to a very hectic schedule around here, however, I believe we will start back up again when we can. I admit he enjoys it more than I do, but we've noticed huge changes (for the better) in his behavior.

He finished both the introduction class, and the beginner class. Below is a video of us in class - almost acing the course.... we obviously edited out me forgetting to send him through a final tunnel... Oops!

The Good Life

Yes, another 6 months have passed... It does NOT feel like it though. It's taken far longer than expected, but we finally are settled here in Oregon. We moved into our new home in September. We are ecstatic to have our own space again, and Ramsey is beyond happy with his new yard!

Pure joy! and Finally a place to run out some energy.

This video is the first time he was 'released' to explore. Unfortunately, he had to wait for the grass to grow in first!