Yesterday started as a typical Monday… at first. We had a nice calm day. I did notice however, that both today and last night Ramsey seemed a bit nervous. His breathing has been more of a pant, there have been a few occasional foot chews (usually a nervous behavior in dogs unless they are licking something that got on them!), and he was a little less snuggley than usual. He seemed to enjoy the floor or the opposite end of the couch more so than our arms, which for him is odd. We summed it up to the possible storm coming (Severe thunder warnings all day and night), or maybe his vaccinations from Saturday are making him feel funny, maybe he is bored? Or… maybe he has a nasty nasty tummy bug indicated by the bout of intense diarrhea on our walk. (Excuse the graphics but grossed out reading about it can’t compare to our feelings dealing with it!). He seemed otherwise fine and after his bout we continues his walk. We had pretty much forgotten about the episode by dinnertime, but his tummy didn’t! Immediately from his dish he sat whimpering at the door so we rushed outside… man oh man did we have one sick puppy on our hands! (again excuse the graphics) but there was no solid substance to his poop at all, not even a hint. He continued to ‘go’ about 3-4 times, all the same complete liquid. I quickly did some research, when is puppy diarrhea serious enough to call a vet? The majority of sources say when it becomes liquid.
Luckily, we still have very close contact with the breeder and I emailed her immediately. (I would have called but I know she checks her email often and he didn’t seem too effected other than just a little more calm and laid back). She recommended we come out to her house immediately and get some medication that she keeps on hand. So.. off we went. It was about to storm with strong winds about 20-30 mph. She lives about 40 minutes out from our house in a countrish area. I’m a nervous driver, especially in severe weather. Greg has never been to the breeder’s house. Ramsey can’t stay home alone, especially if he is sick. So, we loaded up the car and off we went. Blowing around the highway, stopping at a whimper ‘just in case.’ (False alarm).
We made it. She met us outside and gave me the pills with instructions to give him half of one tonight and half in the morning. If it doesn’t clear up by afternoon (24 hours after it began) we’d have to take him into the vet. We made a pit stop at a gas station to find him something to take his pill with… gross string cheese, I felt bad feeding him such ‘junk’ (It wasn’t you’re usual string cheese, very very processed, almost like the whip cream bottled kind of cheese). He chomped it down despite the grossness of the cheese and seemed to enjoy it. Typical dog. Hopefully tomorrow his tummy will feel better!
Only a puppy could drag us out of the house in the middle of an oncoming Kentucky storm to drive almost an hour and a half at 10pm. :Sigh: Gotta love him.
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