Apparently it was NOT the neighbors cats who "fed" Ramsey his tapeworm infected flea. It was HIM! I still blame the cats for giving him fleas though. We hadn't noticed anything, not a single flea prior to yesterday, and of course not until I was home from the vet. I was giving him a thorough check over for worm segments (so gross) when I came across a flea. Devastated! He had been treated with Frontline at the breeder and although she suggested Comfortis for us to put him on, we went Frontline again because it covers ticks too. Ticks apparently aren't a huge threat down in Kentucky but we frequently visit Central NY where they are everywhere! We felt good about having him protected against both, but didn't realize that apparently some fleas are immune to Frontline now! I immediately grabbed all of his blankets, towels, toys and threw them in the washing machine. I found two more fleas on him, one in his crate upstairs (ugh, right by our bed!), and one on his tennis ball. His bed went into the tub to soak as well. All while waiting for the roof contractor to come by and plan for a first day meeting my new team! (I took a new coaching job for the spring).
I was quite a mess most of the day! Thankfully Greg keeps a cooler head than me. He brought home an enormous amount of flea control products. We divided it up. I took the dog to the tub (I wish we got a picture of his first bath, but we were not it a leisurely photo opt mood). I scrubbed him while Greg scrubbed down the kitchen where Ramsey is usually confined. We covered the carpets and furniture with flea powder, scrubbed crates, washed all toys, nothing was safe. Even after his bath I found 3 more fleas on him... I emailed the breeder again. She is probably incredibly sick of us new parents questioning her about everything we do. She said to switch to the Comfortis, We can put him on both and it won't harm him (good to know we won't have to wait a month risking a new flea infestation!) and we will be flea free in less than 4 days. Apparently fleas need a meal every 3 days. So.. within 4 they will either bite him and die, or die of starvation.
If evils come in threes, are diarrhea, tapeworm, and fleas the three? Hopefully all can return to normal...
I now have about 2 hours to do the work that usually takes me about 8. :Sigh: At least Ramsey is silky soft sleeping on my feet and I haven't been able to track down a flea yet today. Maybe we got them all! I will still be calling the vet today (they must be sick of us also) and let them know we need Comfortis!
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