Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Summer in the North

As promised, a positive post! Although we have been back in the Bluegrass for over a month, I'm just now getting around to sharing some of our adventures.

After the awful trip up (as mentioned earlier), things settled down nicely. After spending a weekend with Greg's family in Pennsylvania, I took Ramsey with me up to spend some time with my parents (and his friend, well I suppose his 'Aunt' Sunny)  in Upstate, NY. 

They got along much better than the last time we were up! 

I think he was missing his Daddy a bit.... 
We fixed his homesickness with a trip to my favorite place <3 Skaneateles Lake.

"Camp" My family has spent countless summer days here since way before I was born.

So peaceful

I believe it became one of Ramsey's favorite places within seconds of arriving.

He was almost impossible to get out of the water!.

After a while, he even ventured to the raft. My mom and I followed him out in our inner tubes, which was a good thing because after climbing up onto the raft, Rams decided he didn't want to jump back into the lake.... Maybe he was too tired? Maybe he's just a baby and got lazy? Either way, he opted to leap from the raft into my mom's inner tube with her for an easy tow back to shore :) Wish I had the camera out there for that one!

After almost 4 hours of straight swimming, Rams still wasn't ready to get out of the lake. 
He was just ready to be held... while in the lake. 

We also got to meet our first 'little person'... we've met others, but not so up close and personal! 

My friend from college, Meg, brought her 12 month old son, Charlie, up for a visit! It was love as soon as Charlie decided to share his cereal <3 I was surprised at how gentle Ramsey actually was with him, considering his lack of self awareness!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Happy Birthday Ramsey!

Judge us as you wish, but keep in mind he is our first born.... 

Getting the party started!

"Really guys? I have to keep this thing on?"

The cake!! (No, we didn't feed him human cake, we made it special with doggie safe ingredients only! Send me a message if you want the recipe!) 

The gift pile!

Getting used to the hat....


Sorry bud, you can't have the whole thing... even if it is doggie safe!

Cutting the cake

"You mean I only get one piece!?!?"

"Hmm.. what the heck is this?"

"Everything tastes best when eaten in one bite..."

"I ate it all already!?"

Present time!

A new football!!! 

"Sniff sniff... what could this smelly box be!?"

A new (stinky) bone!

"Party's over guys, I'm busy with my bone..."

I can't believe he's a year old already! No more excuses for naughtiness.... The party was a success :) I'll back track soon with some more fun summer photos!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Ruff, I'm a man, Ruff Ruff....

 Decked out in red, white, and blue, Ramsey started the 4th of July off accompanying Greg to watch me run the Bluegrass 10k! What a scorcher and humid run! There were thousands of people, many vendors, lots of excitement and lots of fun. Unfortunately this is also when Ramsey discovered that he was a man.... Amid the chaos, Rams chose one single lady to bark at. Not thinking much of it, Greg moved him elsewhere and he quieted down.... very unusual for him!!

One positive: We got an awesome UK bandanna at the race!

We really didn't have much time to think about the incident, (not really an incident, just an occurrence, since no one was too phased) because we immediately hopped into the car for an 8.5 hour drive north! Rams settled easily into his crate in the backseat, and fell asleep as usual. An hour or so into the ride, we decided to stop for some lunch at Panera. Rams and I got a nice little table outside white Greg went in to get our food. We've done this several times before and usually Rams lays under the table and makes sad eyes at passer-byes inviting them to pet him. This time, he sat at attention waiting, until a woman walked towards the door and commented "What a beautiful dog!" She never made an effort to come near us, but Ramsey took it upon himself to begin barking very loudly, and semi aggressively! I was stunned but after she got into her car he relaxed and lay down. Greg returned, but since Rams seemed to be calm again we sat to eat. Within 5 minutes, a little girl, accompanied by 3 little siblings got out of a car and immediately asked to pet Ramsey. I said sure (he appeared calm again), but as soon as they got close, he began barking again. I apologized to the mom and told the kids he was in a cranky mood. I was mortified! We finished lunch, in cranky moods ourselves, in the car. Nothing like breaking up an 8.5 hour car ride, with lunch in the car.

We arrived at Greg's family's condo in Pennsylvania with enough time to grab dinner and watch the fireworks. Unfortunately, Ram's mood hadn't changed and we barked and growled at: car doors shutting, a man on the street, a dog down the street, fireworks (even though there had been fireworks nightly for weeks before leaving and he had never been phased), and any other noise he heard. We were not happy parents, nor did we know how to deal with this new behavior....

The next day we arrived at our destination, Greg's grandma's. Tons of family was in and out of the house, neighbors stopping by, etc. About 80% of people who approached the house were loudly (and annoyingly) announced. He came off as very aggressive, but usually would calm down if we took him away from the situation and then returned.

We weren't sure (and still aren't.. I wish I could say we solved this issue) how to handle these 'episodes.' Corrections with his leash don't help at all and sometime even make him worse. He will often stop the barking but turn to growling instead. Quieter, but no less intimidating or more acceptable! Telling him everything is ok in a happy voice quiets him slightly but only if it gets his attention. We're stumped!

Over the past month, the barking has lessened. We've been our old self on walks and with most people. (Except a few different people from inside the car... weird). He does still have growling episodes at random noises almost daily. Sometimes its a car door slamming, or a truck driving by. Other things don't phase him, like the door bell.... !?

We did just recently have him neutered (yes, officially got ok to not show him!). We are saying our prayers that this calms down the emotions! Please say some prayers with us!!

More of our summer travels, including happier, posts to come!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tick Master

Another tick. This makes 5 for the season and it's only part way into June! Being from NY, I always thought all flea medications were effective against ticks as well, wrong. I'm glad that I did some research when originally switching Rams to the medication he is on (Trifexis) to know that he isn't protected from ticks. Everyone should double check their medications too! I discussed this with both the breeder and the vet, and apparently the ticks in Kentucky aren't as dangerous as the ticks in New York. Good thing, because our dog in NY has had one single tick in her life and that one bite led her to getting Lyme disease. The ticks in Kentucky are not typically disease carriers (from what I've been told), therefore they aren't as insistent that dogs are protected. However.... they are still disgusting!!! We've been using tick and flea shampoo once a week, and this seemed to be working. The first 4 ticks were all very close in time to one another, the routine baths gave us about a month off. Although Greg and I have both become tick removing masters, my concern at this point is going to New York for the month of July. Ticks, and the 'non safe type' at that, are all over the Northeast. Hopefully we can come up with some type of preventative that is safe to use in conjunction with his flea meds, I don't want to overdose him on pesticides! Suggestions are welcome!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Summer Fun

It has been far too long since I've updated! As you can see we've been very busy enjoying the summer weather. Ramsey's favorite thing to do is chase/bite/jump the hose water. We finally purchased our own 'nice camera' that allowed us to capture the daily routine of watering the garden.... (With the usual phone camera these would all be random blurs!) 

That hose mist is amazing....

Yum... It's the best water I've ever tasted!

Must surround myself in mist...

Getting a running start....

Max air!

Yahoooooo!  Looooove summer!!! 

I swear more will come, sooner rather than later! 

Monday, April 16, 2012

N Litter

The breeder who we got Ramsey from names each letter alphabetically. Rams is from the 'N Litter.' This is just her personal way of keeping track of which pups came from which parents etc. Their 'call' names can be whatever you like, but she asks that their 'title' names (on their papers, and for show) begin with the letter of the litter they are a part of. I won't share what we plan on putting on Ramsey's title just yet, but once we are sure, I'll post. (If you've got suggestions, let us know! Just has to start with an 'N.')

Anyways, I found the breeder on facebook who has a page dedicated to her springers. You can search for Keswicke Springer Spaniels and you'll surely find them!

On the site, she had photos of both the Sire (Dad) and Dam (Mom) of Ramsey's litter. (I can't take credit for these photos! They are taken from the facebook page and I assume taken by the breeder).

Ramsey's 'Biological' Dad... Ch. Mystic's Just Fine.

'Biological' Mom: Ch. High Plains Rendezvous.

It's amazing how much Rams looks like his mother!

Last but not least, here is a picture of Ramsey practicing his winning stance:

Rams at 5 months.

Also, Rams turned 8 months yesterday! Holy cow, where did the time go? :)

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Action Shots

I've been craving a 'real' camera for a while now but given that they are so expensive, haven't acted on the impulse. I mentioned wanting one to Greg, who immediately borrowed one from a co-worker for me to try out. We figured if we play around with one, we can decide which features we want and which we can forgo. After playing for one day, I decided I no longer want a 'real' camera. I need one! Here are some of the play shots:

We were immediately fascinated by action shots... We have missed so many potentially awesome photos of Rams because he moves so quickly! Even just a wiggle or turn or his head ruins photos taken by our phones or even our digital (not 'real') cameras! This shot, I admit, was captured by Greg. It took us a few times of making the dog hop on.. and off.. and on.. and off.. the bed to get it.

'Wanna be a Greyhound when I grow up!''

The next day I decided to take the camera outside and get some full speed action shots, the test of what it can do! I think I can still get them clearer, once I know more about the shutter speeds etc. etc. (remember I'm a complete newbie at the camera).

'Ahh, summer is so much fun!'

Without the blur of movement you can see Ramsey's personality come through. I love it.

We are headed to the dog park and for a swim today with our buddy Bruiser. Bruiser's mom, Annie, is big into photography and said she would show me some tricks on the camera today. Maybe later I'll have some awesome photos to post!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Spring in the Bluegrass

It appears to be Spring in Kentucky! (I hope I didn't just jinx us! I think it's slightly less risky to make that comment in Lexington than in Syracuse though...) We enjoyed our morning walk very much. The daffodils and tulips have been in bloom all week, but the trees have just started flowering.

We started our walk with some taunting storm clouds over our heads...

But it seemed to clear up.
Love the spring! So refreshing.

Ramsey agrees. His poor ears act like sponges though and seem to soak up all the water from the wet ground.

I didn't include the picture of Ramsey's scraped snout. He apparently sniffed the sidewalk a bit too closely this morning and rubbed his snout raw against the pavement. There must have been some great smells to smell!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

First Swim

We had a fantastic playdate this morning! Unfortunately I didn't capture any pictures of Rams and his new Rottie friend, Bruiser.

I did manage to capture a few shots of Ramsey's first swim. We attached two leashes together so it was long enough for him to get out a bit deeper but I'm not confident with his 'Come' on command just yet, especially with the birds out...

"Whoa! I can't touch past here!"

Mid shake

We will definitely be swimming, and playing with Bruiser, again soon!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Doggie Decor

If you've been following, you know that for Christmas I commissioned a local Lexington artist (Enrique Gonzalez... he's awesome and I highly recommend checking him out!) to do a portrait of Ramsey for Greg's gift.

Two and a half months later we have it framed, and hung...

"Really Mom? You woke me up to take a picture?"

Monday, March 5, 2012

Tornado vs. Blizzard?

Since moving to Lexington, I have been asked more than a few times how anyone could possibly stand living in a city that routinely gets over 100 inches (or close to 200 inches in the case of the 92-93 and 2010-11 seasons) of snow... I always tell them it's really not that bad! I actually love the snow, I just don't want the people here to think I'm crazy!

A few days ago Kentucky suffered horrible tornadoes, as I'm sure you've seen on the news. Cleaning out the closet as an emergency shelter isn't fun, it's terrifying. Thinking things like: 'We should put Ramsey's collar on incase the house gets demolished and he gets out...' or 'We should have our shoes near us in case we have to climb out of rubbish...' is scary. Ok, we didn't get hit, but towns in every direction from us did. Maybe our thoughts were over reactions because we aren't from here, we aren't used to this kind of extreme weather. We are used to the snow. (That stuff you Southerners hate and fear!) Following the tornadoes, I made a public statement to a friend on Facebook. I said: "I'd take a snowstorm over a tornado any day!" Well.... this morning, we woke up to what is considered a snowstorm in the South. Four inches!!!!

What does a girl from Syracuse (and her son) do with 4 inches of snow when she has been denied the fluffy white stuff for almost a year? Go outside and play!!

and teach Ramsey how to build (and not eat) a snowman!

Snowman and Rams got along great once the rules were established:
1) Leave my stick arms in place.
2) Don't eat me.

So given that when tornadoes hit you're told to hide in a closet and fear for your life, and when a snowstorm hits you go out and play.... I think the question about how anyone stands living in a snowy city is pretty obvious!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Size doubling.

Streeeetching to fill my bed in November...

Feeling a bit cramped in my bed in February....

(Rams has more than doubled his weight since we got him! 10-15 pounds until he's full grown)